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Our Mission

Our Mission

Trinity supports mission work in our community 
and throughout the  world. Here are some of the missions we have supported.


Ethiopian Lutheran Church - Mekane Yesus

The Ethiopian Lutheran Church (Mekane Yesus), is a strong Biblically based church. The Ethiopian Church is one of the fastest growing in Africa as well as the world with 6.3 members as of 2014. In 2007 their membership was 2.3 million. Their baptized membership has almost tripled in the past 7 years.

During our 2014 mission festival, we hosted a Ethiopian pastor who spoke of the strong faith members have despite living in poverty. His church seeks to serve those on need. The Ethiopian Lutheran Church is also finding a fruitful harvest by evangelism to Muslims in Ethiopia. They do this not by condemning them but by showing them the love of Jesus. While some pastors have had arms cut off by extremists, many Muslims have converted to Christianity.

Unity  Lutheran Elementary School, East St Louis

Unity Elementary School is a mission school supported by churches and individuals in southern Illinois. Unity was started in 2003. Unity's enrollment has grown to over 180 students in Preschool to 8th Grade. It provides the community of East St Louis with opportunities to hear the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ and teach the children of this community the wonders of God's love.


Concordia Seminary  St Louis, MO
Concordia Seminary trains men to be pastors in the LC-MS. The Masters of Divinity degree is a 4-year program consisting of three years in the classroom and a 1 year vicarage. Students are required to know Greek and Hebrew, the Biblical languages. Other areas of study include history, systematic theology, and practical theology.


Lutheran Church  -  Missouri Synod World Relief Human Care

Lutheran World Relief is the human care arm of the LC-MS. Whether it is relief after a natural disaster or projects to help those in poverty, LWR seeks to be a helping hand to those in need. 

Mission Central 

Based out of Mapleton, Iowa, at the farmstead of Gary Theis, Mission Central supports and equips missionaries and their families in their work.


Southern Illinois Prison Ministry

All God's People Shall Have Shoes, 

Morrisonville Food  Pantry

The Food Pantry serves Morrisonville area. It is open Thursday afternoons from 2:30 to 3:30

Panhandle Food  Pantry

The Panhandle Food Pantry serves the Harvel/Raymond area. It is open Saturday mornings from 8:30 to 10:30.

Southern IL District, LCMS


Adult Bible Study Sundays 9 AM


Sunday School 9 AM


Church Service 10 AM


Adult Bible Study Wednesdays 11AM


Christian Friends 2nd Sunday Evening


Church Council Mondays 7 PM


Fellowship Breakfast Last Tuesday of the month


Quilters Wednesdays 8:30 AM


Ladies Aid 1st Thursday of the month Nov-Feb 1 PM, Mar-October 7 PM


Men's Bible Study 3rd Saturday 8-9 AM

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